
BredaPhoto Festival the leading photo festival in the Netherlands. It shows the state of affairs in contemporary photography based on an internationally relevant, social theme. The title of the 2018 edition is To Infinity and Beyond, focusing on the fundamental change technology and science bring to the world around us.

For this edition, we decided to design the publication more like a luxury magazine than a classical catalogue, by choosing a slightly coated paper stock and softcover binding. Every photographer was assigned a title page and either one to three spreads. All photographers were then categorised in different subjects that were divided by signatures of recycled paper with essays by the guest curators. The whole publication is bilangual, with English as leading language with bigger typography.

To Infinity and Beyond
BredaPhoto Festival, 2018

220 × 297 mm, 232 p (EN+NL)
offset-printed otabind paperback

Edit i.c.w. Reinout van den Bergh,
Geert van Eyck and Jan Schaerlackens

Design i.c.w. Rob van Hoesel
Text edit by Guido van Eijck
Translations by Saskia Naafs
Lithography by Felix Bisschoff
Print by NPN Printers (NL)
Binding by Patist (NL)

ISBN: 978-94-92051-40-0
Published by The Eriskay Connection
€ 27.50 (more information)