Artist and filmmaker Mels van Zutphen (NL) became fascinated by neutrinos when scientists in Italy stated that these tiny particles could travel faster than the speed of light. Van Zutphen followed the path of the neutrinos fired from CERN in Switzerland to OPERA in Italy in twelve days. Eventually it became clear that the measurements were faulty because of a loose cable.
For The Speed of Light is a short film, the accompanying publication were to be an artwork on itself. Mels already made a black-and-white collage from satellite images, but because of my interest in cartography, we decided to try to make a small publication containing both a map and the background information in a novel way. In the end we made a long leporello that was printed in three colours: black for the relief of the map and the route Mels drove, light blue for lakes and rivers, and fluor red for the path of the neutrinos. On the text-side of the leporello we used the same inks, resulting in quite unusual but compelling looking images.
140 × 216 mm, 26 p (EN)tritone offset-printed leporello
Edit i.c.w. Mels van Zutphen
Design i.c.w. Rob van Hoesel
Text edit by Jos Jansen
Translations by Joy Phillips
Production by NPN Printers (NL)
ISBN: 978-94-92051-25-7
Published by The Eriskay Connection
€ 18 (more information)
For The Speed of Light is a short film, the accompanying publication were to be an artwork on itself. Mels already made a black-and-white collage from satellite images, but because of my interest in cartography, we decided to try to make a small publication containing both a map and the background information in a novel way. In the end we made a long leporello that was printed in three colours: black for the relief of the map and the route Mels drove, light blue for lakes and rivers, and fluor red for the path of the neutrinos. On the text-side of the leporello we used the same inks, resulting in quite unusual but compelling looking images.
The Speed of Light
Mels van Zutphen, 2017
140 × 216 mm, 26 p (EN)tritone offset-printed leporello
(black, light blue and fluor red)
Edit i.c.w. Mels van ZutphenDesign i.c.w. Rob van Hoesel
Text edit by Jos Jansen
Translations by Joy Phillips
Production by NPN Printers (NL)
ISBN: 978-94-92051-25-7
Published by The Eriskay Connection
€ 18 (more information)